
Tell the story behind the numbers

Insight Voice is the #1 tool for capturing real experiences and transforming them into impactful stories that resonate with potential clients. It's time to show, not just tell!

Insight Voice - Share your perspective with ease

Craft impactful content that drives tangible results

Showcase your team's expertise in minutes a week

Insight Voice leverages AI to empower your accounting team to craft insightful content that showcases your firm's knowledge and builds rapport with potential clients. These real stories demonstrate not only your firm's expertise but also its personal touch.

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Insight Voice

Save time and resources

Insight Voice makes it easy to collect your team's ideas. They can share their experiences through video, audio, or text. Our platform edits and adjusts content for your promotional channels, such as blogs, social media, newsletters, and FAQs, freeing up your time and resources.

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Insight Voice

Manage your content calendar stress-free

Simplify your firm's content calendar with Insight Voice. Schedule content effortlessly for each platform and team member, inspiring your team to share their insights and paving the way for effective collaboration.

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Insight Voice


How can IV help my account firm to stay ahead of the curve in the industry?

By providing access to the latest trends and insights. In addition, IV can help businesses create content that is relevant to their target audience and that is likely to be shared and engaged with. This can help build brand awareness, generate leads, and drive sales.

Can I invite team members to answer questions in IV?

Yes! You can share a link with other teammates, customers, or other content creators to help you.

Does it really only take minutes a week to create content?

Absolutely! IV can help you streamline your content creation process and save you a significant amount of time. Whether you're crafting social media posts, blog articles, or newsletters, IV can help you get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Does IV offer training and support to help me get started with the platform?

Of course! IV offers a variety of resources to help you get started with the platform. These resources include tutorials and guides. You can also contact our customer support team if you have any questions.